My past is not a memory. It’s a force at my back. It pushes and steers. I may not always like where it leads me, but like any story, the past needs resolution. What’s past is prologue.
— Metroid: The Other M

When I was a kid, I loved playing video games that invoked my imagination. I played a lot of games with my younger brother, and we had our own little sense of community and connection when we shared that together.

I learned that shouldn’t end even when we’re adults. To break up the monotony of the struggles life can bring, I know for many, a quality game can be the exact remedy. This remedy can help someone dis-spell suffering, find joy in their day and have something to look forward to experiencing.

Unfortunately, it can be difficult to find a quality game that covers several bases like being co-op multiplayer, have good multiplayer connection, beautiful graphics and especially in-depth storylines with characters that will make you cry.

I'm here to create games now, and I look forward to collaborating with other game developers who are elitists in their own right. Crafting video games is my ultimate passion and it fills me with unparalleled vitality. The process of learning, evolving, sharing, and offering others a world of my creation is the most rewarding experience imaginable. I've overcome several huge trials to reach this point, and I'm determined to take this off of the ground.

Now, let’s get to making and playing some awesome games!!